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Constipation, Colon Health and Colon Hydrotherapy

Constipation... A Mild, Little Inconvenience Or A Serious Health Concern?

Most people talk about constipation as a mild, little inconvenience...This is not entirely true. To put it bluntly, if constipation is not addressed in time it can slowly destroy a previously healthy body.

We brush our teeth at least 2-3 times per day (hopefully). We wash and clean the outside of our bodies at least once every day. Many even wash their cars once a week. Well how about the inside of our bodies? How often is it wise and necessary to clean that part of our body (the Colon) that accumulates more toxins, poisons, gases, old putrifying waste material, bad bacteria, etc, etc, than any other part of the body?

Need proof?

Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of America's foremost pioneering nutritionists and author of numerous books on the subject, states it like this:

“The fact of the matter is that constipation is the number one affliction underlying nearly every ailment; it can be imputed to be the initial, primary cause of nearly every disturbance of the human system.”  He goes on to say, “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management (ie. Constipation) lies at the root of most people’s health problems. In treating over 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.”

These are powerful words from Dr. Jensen and should at least make you aware that your so-called “little” constipation problem, just may be a significant health concern.

You see, what's so dangerous about being constipated is that it's not a noticeable injury like a broken bone or a cut or scrap. Constipation comes on slowly. You don't notice it at first, or maybe you just brush off not going to the bathroom thinking it's nothing, and then it slowly builds and builds. You start feeling heavy, sick and bloated. You become more irritable. You start taking pills or laxatives to get through the day, or you call in sick to work.

You become so accustomed to feeling tired, bloated, irritated, overweight, etc., and you just don't suspect that your health is in danger. Or you may be on medications to cover up such symptoms, never seeking the underlying cause.

Living with this regular or frequent constipation can be devastating... the bloating, pain, straining, incomplete movements, and cramping. You're not estimated 200 million people suffer from constipation and do not have the required 1-3 bowel movements daily.

This problem can even affect your emotional state. You can almost get to the point where you don't want to do anything. You don't want to eat or go out because of the constant discomfort.

Listen, we all know pain and discomfort can really affect a person physically and emotionally. But, did you ever stop to think... Why do I have this constipation? What is this telling me?

The truth is, your body is crying out..."SOMETHING'S WRONG HERE"!

You Should Be Moving Your Bowels 1-3 Times A Day!

Maybe you feel that your constipation isn't all that bad, but if you're not moving your bowels 1-3 times a day...There's a definite problem.

Imagine having 1-3 easy, enjoyable bowel movements per day... no straining, no bloating. Just easy, comfortable movements. What would that mean to you?

Good Plumbing Vs. Bad Plumbing

Imagine for a second that you have a 6-foot long pipe or tube in your house that carries water from your sink to the sewer line. Good plumbing means that the pipe is clear and all the water that goes down the sink gets through to the sewer. No problems. No back-ups

Now what would happen if that pipe became clogged with food particles or dirt? The water will not get to the sewer efficiently, it may cause a clog and water may back up into your sink. Not a good situation.

Right now, inside of you, from the beginning of your large intestine to your rectum, there is a 6-foot long tube responsible for getting all the waste out of your body in the form of feces. When a person is constipated, the walls of this tube are generally packed or lined with accumulated feces. The average person, by the time they are 30 years old, in America, has between 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel. Disgusting... YES. Sure it's disgusting but it's true. This causes BAD PLUMBING to say the least!

It's like trying to push a baseball through a garden hose. You just can't move new fecal matter through a tube made smaller by old, accumulated fecal waste.

This bad plumbing causes extended periods of "intestinal overload" because your body CAN'T respond to the immediate call of nature. In this condition, the colon can neither absorb nor eliminate properly.

BOTTOM-LINE: A viscous cycle ensues in which you feel like you have to go...nothing moves...and more and more feces gets accumulated around this tube...on and on and on...

Why you will become seriously sick if you don't have regular bowel movements...

When you have constipation for a long time, you run the chance of becoming seriously sick. Maybe not right away. This slow damaging process weakens your body over a period of time. Its common sense that if your food stays too long in your colon, you can expect rotting of fecal matter that...

  • weakens the colon walls and sets the stage for Diverticulosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Cancer, Varicose veins, Hemorrhoids, etc.
  • allows bad bacteria to multiply and produce toxic gases and poisons, which enter the blood stream and body organs
  • changes the required acidic condition of the colon to an alkaline condition where bad bacteria multiply
  • kills good bacteria and provides a condition for yeast and parasites to multiply
  • produces toxins that move into your blood stream which affect the health of your body and all of your organs and leads to a POLLUTED SYSTEM

Not Only That...
Constipation has been implicated in the cause of numerous diseases and disorders including: Appendicitis (One of the most common abdominal emergencies in the U.S. It has been estimated that more than 300,000 appendices are removed each year in this country), Benign Tumors, Spastic Colon, and Crohn's disease.

And That's Not All...
Perhaps this doesn't surprise you. But take a look at the following categories of diseases and disorders that can also be related either directly or indirectly to the colon: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Varicose Veins, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Obesity, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, - Especially Diabetes Mellitus, type II - "adult onset diabetes"; It has been estimated that 3-10% of the population eventually develop known diabetes and that a much greater proportion have the disease undetected.

Now That We Know Constipation Is A Serious Problem,
What Can We Do To Fix It?

Let's first take a look at how most people are treating this condition...
If you were to go to your family doctor complaining about fatigue, weight gain, hemorrhoids, gas, body odor, skin problems, headaches, indigestion, depression, even abdominal pains, you'll probably hear something along the lines of..."You are probably just constipated. Here are some laxatives. Come back if that doesn't take care of it."

This is serious trouble waiting to happen!

Many conventional doctors are under the misconception that having a bowel movement every two or three days is sufficient and even "normal" for some. This is a dangerous fallacy! A person with a healthy colon should in fact have two to three bowel movements per day, or one for each meal eaten. Elimination should be complete, fast and easy. The stool should be light brown in color, long and large in diameter, "fluffy" in texture and floating on top of the water. There should be no offensive odor and it should break apart with the toilet flushing. Going to the bathroom once every few days, sitting there straining for half-an-hour and passing black, hard "pebbles" that drop to the bottom is not only abnormal, it is also serious trouble waiting to happen

If you're not eliminating approximately the same amount that you are eating, then what do you think happens to the remainder? The accumulation of old, hardened feces sticks to the colon walls, inhibiting its proper function of absorbing the remaining nutrients from the fecal matter.

Instead it is forced to absorb toxins from the build-up and from the parasites that make this debris their breeding ground. The passage through which the feces are forced to travel is also greatly reduced in diameter so the stools become much narrower - even as thin as a pencil sometimes.

This constipation cycle can NOT be broken with conventional medical treatments!

It's not getting to the cause of your problem! Are those laxatives doing anything to change the internal environment of your colon? When the laxatives stop working, then what will you do? Did you know those laxatives, over an extended period of time, actually weaken the muscles responsible for moving toxins from your colon out of your body?

The number one, proven way that has thousands of people finally living constipation-free is...

Colon Hydrotherapy

Physician-supervised colon hydrotherapy, or colonics, is a safe effective method of treatment for various conditions. The therapeutic goals are to balance body chemistry, eliminate waste and toxins, stimulate the immune system, and restore proper tissue and organ function.

Most importantly, colon hydrotherapy has the ability to get you on the road to ending your struggle with constipation. Once and for all, you can have the freedom and normalcy of regular bowel movements.

Colonics Can Help YOU Even If:

  • You've tried everything to ease your constipation and nothing has worked
  • You're so backed up that you only move your bowels once a week or less
  • You've been suffering with constipation for as long as you can remember
  • You have other serious digestive issues
  • You want to regain the comfort of regular bowel movements
  • A colonic cleanses the entire five-foot length of the colon, unlike an enema, which cleanses only the 8-12 inches of sigmoid colon. It strengthens the muscular tone of the colon, re-establishing normal peristalsis. By cleaning the colon, the body is able to assimilate certain food nutrients more easily and as old, unhealthy matter leaves the colon, the opportunity for the growth of important friendly bacteria increases.

    When considering colonics, some people have a tendency to become embarrassed, even fearful. There is really no reason for this. This manifests because it may all be "unknown" to you, you're not sure of what to expect.

    So, to ease your trepidation, here's...


    The usual colonic irrigation lasts about 45 minutes. All tubes are disposable. We use an FDA-approved colonic machine with a sophisticated water filtration system. After gentle insertion of the speculum (we show each client how to insert the tubing-it is very simple), it is attached to two plastic tubes. One brings the clean, filtered water into the body and the other carries out the waste, gas, undigested foods, parasites, yeast, etc. The therapist then adjusts the water pressure (very gentle flow) and the temperature.

    The process is an alternating cycle of gently filling the colon with water and releasing. During the session you are covered at all times. As the treatment continues you may see mucus, gas, parasites, new and very old fecal matter that has broken loose from the colon wall, or other waste passing back into and through the clear glass viewing tube in the machine. Our therapists are all trained, seasoned and experienced. They will make you feel comfortable with the process and are there throughout the session to assure you have best possible experience. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed or nervous about.

    Believe me when I sincerely say...We have done this procedure thousands of times with people from every walk of life and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, you will probably find colonic hydrotherapy to be surprisingly relaxing. Most people do.

    Colonic Hydrotherapy...A Royal Treatment

    Colonics have been around in one form or another for thousands of years. In fact, there are pictures on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples of servants administering colonics to the Kings and Queens of the day. Is there any doubt that this is truly a royal treatment?

    This may surprise you...In the 1800's and early part of the 1900's almost EVERY hospital and clinic in the U.S. was offering colonics as an integral part of their wellness protocol. When the pharmaceutical industry gained power in the mid-1900's colonics was pushed to the background. Today, with colon cancer having become one of the highest causes of death in the U.S. from cancer, Colon Hydrotherapy is once again recognized as an important and vital part of regaining and maintaining optimal health!

    Why This Procedure May Not Be For You...

    Listen, all healthcare procedures are not for everyone. There are several reasons this may not be for you.

    Colon hydrotherapy may not be for you if...

  • You enjoy living with the pain and discomfort of chronic constipation
  • You would rather ingest medication that may have side effects
  • You prefer covering up the symptoms, rather than getting to the cause of the problem
  • You would rather wait for the slow yet definite process where constipation starts to effect your overall health and well being
  • You feel as though your medical doctor couldn't possibly be wrong...If she says you should just take laxatives then that's what you'll do
  • You don't want to waste time going to the bathroom 1-3 times a day...You have better things to do
  • Your Future

    Let's stop for a moment and think about your future. I want to be straight forward with you and tell you the truth. This is not to scare you but I do want to impress upon you the severity of your condition and where it's headed.

    As we said before, constipation is a slow process but it has a definite path. Your condition will not miraculously get better on its own. And we know that medication and laxatives will mask the symptoms but the condition will remain. The reality of your situation is this: Your constipation will continue to progress and worsen as you age possibly leading to bigger health concerns. This is how life works. This is reality. UNLESS...YOU choose to do something about it right now!

    Thanks for taking the time to read this information about Constipation, Colon Health and Colon Hydrotherapy. If you still have any other questions please call our center and any of our therapists will be happy to answer all of your questions. We look forward to working with you in the days to come!!

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