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Listed Below is a brief summary of each of our special cleansing and detoxification therapies. For a much more detailed description just click onto each of the links. If you have any other questions about these therapies please give us a call and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Primary Services Offered at Optimal Wellness of Long Island

  • Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
    Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics) is and has always been the foundation of our practice. We believe that in order to effectively cleanse and detoxify the entire body, restoring one's health to optimal levels, cleansing the colon through Colon Hydrotherapy is such a powerful piece of the health puzzle. Please take a moment to read about Colonic therapy and don't forget the Colon Hydrotherapy FAQ Section. It will answer many of the questions you may have about this wonderful process. We have just also added a new article on Constipation, Colon Health and Colon Hydrotherapy. Enjoy!

    Iridology(pronounced eye-ri-dol'-ogy) is the science of studying the iris or the colored portion of the eye. The basic premise of Iridology is to holistic in nature -- to consider the relationships within the body and where imbalances are located. It does not attempt to address a specific symptom or disease. However, once uncovered, these imbalances (and factors contributing to them) can be addressed, often causing symptoms to diminish or disappear. Iridology is an invaluable tool for designing a plan for well-being.
    Sclerology(pronounced scler–ol'-ogy) is the interpretation of the sclera or the white part of the eye. A Sclerologist observes the red lines, various colors and gels seen in the eye and then compiles this information to make recommendations that will build health. Sclerology is helpful in revealing how one part of the body can influence symptoms of discomfort in another. This helps us uncover root causes that may be causing your symptoms. .
  • Ionic Footbath Therapy
    (B.E.S.T. Energy Spa)
    Can you imagine a 35 minute powerhouse of a full body detox - all through the feet? Wow!!
    As a powerhouse adjunct to the Colon Hydrotherapy process we now offer the Ionic Footbath (also known as the B.E.S.T. Energy Spa - Bio-Electric Stimulating Technique.)
    The B.E.S.T. machine sends an extremely pure current of energy into the water which gets absorbed into the body including the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, blood, colon, etc. It helps to remove heavy metals, yeast, bile acids, etc.
    The detox continues for the next several days through the urinary system, bowels, liver and skin.

  • Lymphtech Health & Beauty System
    A one hour treatment with the Lymphflo Lymphatic Drainage machine that unclogs, decongests, and frees up the entire Lymphatic System (including the breast region). How vital!! This is one of the most relaxing hours of treatment you will spend. Once you undress, you are lying comfortably on a massage table, covered with a sheet or blanket. The Lymphatic therapist will begin using the Lymphatic Wand (which is attached to the Lymphflo Machine), to gently scan over every part of the body, with a particular emphasis on areas with high Lymphatic concentration...neck, breasts, underarms, abdomen, groin area, legs, etc. You will receive treatment on both the front and back of your body. The Lymphflo Wand puts out a current of light energy that penetrates through the skin to begin to break up congestion and stagnation in the Lymphatic system.

    Thermography..... at the Northport Wellness Center ONLY
    The US has the highest rate of breast disease in the world. The good news is that research has finally confirmed it is not primarily related to family history. This means it is a PREVENTABLE disease. Even more compelling, it means that a strategy for minimizing your odds of developing breast disease can be to make basic lifestyle changes while incorporating new, predictive screening technologies like Medical Infrared Thermal Imaging. Thermography can forewarn women of breast health problems up to 8 years before symptoms may be visible. Avoiding breast cancer sounds like a better idea than just detecting it.

  • Far Infra-Red Sauna ... EMF Protected by EMX TECHNOLOGY, Devoloped at Catholic University in Washington, D.C..
    A private, 30 minute sitting that stimulates a major release of toxicity for the body. Towel, drink, and shower included. The Far Infra-Red Sauna is now recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most effective method of removing both chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. This is the only EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) PROTECTED FAR INFRA-RED SAUNA IN THE N.Y. AREA.

  • Ear Candling / Coning
    A colonic for the ear? Yes indeed! A 50 minute treatment that gently pulls out wax, yeast, mucus, infectious residue, etc., all lodged within the ear canal. Ear candling is an ancient therapy that gently helps to eliminate many challenges that can affect the ear. The ear candle is gently inserted a fraction of an inch into the outer ear canal and then the top of the candle is lit. Ear candling can help with hearing, sinus clearing and drainage, balance, removal of built up wax and old infectious material, itching, etc. It is very relaxing and totally pain free.

  • Coffee Implant
    Coffee Implant - A special solution of Organic Coffee along with a number of highly beneficial additives are administered simply and easily at the conclusion of a colonic treatment and held in the colon for approximately 5-10 minutes while still on the treatment table. Then the client finishes the treatment in the bathroom as usual. Remember, the Coffee Implant is primarily for liver detoxification and is a wonderful adjunct to the colonic process.

  • Colonic Reflorastation
    Colonic Reflorastation - Colon Reflorastation is the introduction of a special solution of 21 strains of healthy intestinal bacteria into the rectum, which delivers it into the sigmoid colon. After one hour of retention, it will colonize the bowel, three days later, it will be stabilized. This health procedure is only designed to reinforce the homeodynamic balance of the bowel flora .

  • Wheatgrass Implants
    Wheatgrass Implants - You've tried wheatgrass shots at your local health food store and know how powerful they are as a cleanser, detoxifier, energizer and full body rejuvenator, but have you tried a wheatgrass implant? As an implant directly into the colon its cleansing, deodorizing, healing and nutritive values are unprecedented. Wheatgrass directly introduced into the colon is tremendously healing to the lining of the gut, helps restore proper ph, balances the gut ecology, and leaves you feeling a surge of energy and a sweet taste in your mouth all day long! What a treat/what a gift-to yourself!


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