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Ear Candling/Coning

About Ear Candling

Ear candling(also known as ear coning) is a good example of how an almost forgotten, simple and all natural therapy, is now being used effectively to solve many problems associated with the ear and sinuses.

When the body is under stress the flow of energy diminishes until it is totally blocked. You may not be aware of this initially, but eventually symptoms will appear in the body. When this energy becomes blocked in the head area, or when excessive ear wax builds up, you may develop conditions such as stuffed sinuses or sinusitis headaches, earaches, vertigo (dizziness), minor hearing loss, sore throat or coughing, allergies or upper respiratory infections. If they are not cleared, the flow of energy slows down and pain or discomfort usually sets in.

The removal of ear wax is only a minor part of candling. Ear wax is essential to our well-being. It acts as a shock absorber for sound waves, and along with the hair in our ears, it stops dust particles and foreign material that might pierce the ear drum. It is when we have wax build up caused by noise, pollution, dust, etc.; however, that is when problems can arise.

The process that allows the ear candles to work in the base of an ear candle is gently inserted a fraction of an inch into the outer ear canal then the tip of the ear candle is lit. The process is not painful; in fact some people find the process so relaxing that they tend to fall asleep during the candling process.

Therapeutic Benefits of Ear Candling;

  • Circulation of disinfecting substances.
  • Stimulation of the reflex zones and the energy points in the massage by energizing substances.
  • Softening of the plugs of cerumen (wax).
  • Hearing becomes sharper.
  • Sinuses are able to drain and flow freely reducing pressure.
  • Drying of the ear drum area.
  • Balance and rejuvenation of the equilibrium (inner ear).

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What is Ear Candling?

A: Ear Candling is a technique that dates back as far as Biblical times, when hollow reeds from swamp areas were utilize as candles. It has been passed down for many generations by the North and South American natives, (especially the Hopi Indians now located in Arizona ), as well as the Egyptian, African, Oriental and European cultures. The process had been basically lost for numerous years, but has come back into practice again and is now being used by a wide variety of people.

Q: How does Ear Candling Work?

A: The burning candle acts like a chimney and draws from the ear. The drawing effect, plus the warmth of the candle relaxes the body, thus giving back to the body the ability to heal itself. Once relaxed, the body starts to function naturally to heal itself, the wax starts to move again, the circulation returns to the whole head area. In the outer ear, we have reflex or pressure points, (the same as in hand and foot reflexology). As we work around the ear area, these reflex points are stimulated by the warmth of the candle and the stimulation of these reflexes can assist in wellness of other areas of the body as well.

Q: Does Ear Candling Hurt?

A: No! There is no discomfort. It is a very relaxing and soothing therapy. Most people nod off to sleep during this treatment.

Q: How long does it take?

A: It takes about 45 minutes. (approx. 20 minutes for each ear)

Q: At what age can an Ear Candling Treatment be performed?

A: this can be done on anyone over 3 years old. One of the main considerations in candling younger children is whether or not they can sit still long enough to perform the treatment.

Q: Who should not be Candled?

A: Anyone who has had any ear, nose, throat or sinus surgery or has had tubes in their ears in the last year. The same holds true of anyone with tumors in the ear, a puncture or bleeding ear drum or any other serious ear conditions.

Indications that Ear Candling may be beneficial to you or your family:

  • Hearing loss caused by presence of secretions that block functioning, as in case of rhinitis, sinusitis, and otitis.
  • Ringing in the ears, buzzing caused by the presence of fluid.
  • Excess of cerumen (wax).
  • Slow lymphatic circulation.
  • Irritation of the ear and of the inner ear.
  • Chronic Sinusitus.
  • Stress and irritability brought on by loud noises.
  • Nerve or hearing loss.
  • Poor balance, due to an off balance equilibrium (inner ear).
  • Circulation problems in the ear.
  • Excessive itching of the ears.

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